Sikhism at a glance

Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of the Sikh tradition, was born in 1469 in the Punjab
region of South Asia, which is now divided between Pakistan and India's
north-western part. Punjab, on the Indian side of the border, still houses the
majority of the world's Sikh population. Guru Nanak dev ji, was disillusioned
by the social injustices and religious hypocrisies he saw around him from an
early age. He thought that the entire planet was created and inhabited by a
single divine entity. God, he believed, was fully present in every part of
creation, not detached from it and watching from afar. As a result, he declared
that everyone is divine and deserves to be treated as such. Guru Nanak Dev Ji established
institutions and religious practises to promote his vision of divine oneness
and social equality. He founded community centres and places of worship,
composed his own biblical compositions, and developed a leadership system
(gurus) to carry out his vision. As a result, the Sikh perspective rejects any
social divisions that lead to inequity, such as gender, ethnicity, religion,
and caste, which is the main social hierarchical system in South Asia.
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