Chandova & Rumala Set 12ft*12ft - On Order
Product Code: ks032D
Availability: In Stock
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Product Description
This High Quality Chandova and Rumala Sahib consists of 5 Pieces. 1 chandova of 12'*12' , 2 Rumalas of 50" *42" each and 2 Palaks of 20"*20" each. Rumala Sahib is having inner Lining for durability and Comfort. This Product is made on order. This is hand made product and takes around 10-15 days to ship. Our ehutty / store deliver Ounjabi / Sikh/ Sikhism products in India, Italy, Malaysia, Thailand, Canada, USA, UK, United States, America, Germany, Australia, new zealand , UAE and other parts of the world. Your can expect delivery as delivered by stores near you /me.